May 20, 2010

What Double Standards Still Exist?

What examples do you have of double standards? Or do you disbelieve in them?


  1. Black people use the word "nigger" every day, but whoa to the white person who does!

  2. Colleges add 10 points to entrance exams of black people, and take 10 points OFF for white people.

  3. Black people are allowed a black history month, but white people aren't even allowed a white history DAY! Most white people don't even know there is more than one white race.

  4. A male gets $400/mo for welfare. Women get $600, unless you're a black woman, then you get $800.

  5. On abortion, should we consider only the woman's rights over the child's? Is it even a child? And if it is a child, what if the man doesn't agree with the abortion? Shouldn't he have the right to have a say in what happens to his offspring? In this instance, are we considering a woman's right's over the man's without equal consideration?
